Native Code Snippet
Title |
Likes![]() |
Name |
Get the battery percentage 24 Jul 2015 11:39 |
241 |
Maria Białota 362p |
Reordering gengrid items 26 Oct 2015 09:47 |
240 |
Karolina Arciszewska 553p |
Deactivate WiFi 22 Jul 2015 10:31 |
240 |
Maria Białota 362p |
Picking File path workaround 12 Aug 2015 19:42 |
240 |
pius lee 65p |
Get the ESSID of the currently connected WiFi access point 23 Jul 2015 13:04 |
240 |
Maria Białota 362p |
Gengrid longpresssed options 22 Oct 2015 07:00 |
240 |
Karolina Arciszewska 553p |
Slider widget callbacks 10 Sep 2015 09:03 |
240 |
Karolina Arciszewska 553p |
Popup with Entry and Button 31 Aug 2018 05:14 |
239 |
Yasin Ali 32p |
Create a simple button in EFL with specified action 22 Jul 2015 00:44 |
239 |
Radosław Wielgórski 458p |
Create a simple notification 23 Jul 2015 10:30 |
239 |
Radosław Wielgórski 458p |