How to update Genlist item class
By Gerard
23 Mar 2016 12:31
staric void *item_class;
static void _device_selected_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
Elm_Object_Item *it = event_info;
// When genlist item which needs to be updated selected, 'Elm_Object_Item *it' should be stored to pointer variable
// *item_class in order to use in the function 'update_list'.
// This simple example to show how to get target Elm_object_Item pointer varible using static pointer variable.
// But well designed application, you would utilize custom callback
// and message queue that stores callback function pointer and other pointer variables such as 'Elm_Object_Item *it' or 'void *user_data'.
item_class = it;
//if any event occured or status changed, call 'update_list()' in the funtion where you want
static void update_list()
Elm_Genlist_Item_Class *_itc2 = elm_genlist_item_class_new();
_itc2->item_style = "2text";
_itc2->func.text_get = conn_menu_text_get;
_itc2->func.del = _gl_menu_del;
Elm_Object_Item *it = (Elm_Object_Item *)item_class;
elm_genlist_item_item_class_update(it, _itc2);
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