command-line builds, using Tizen Studio?

command-line builds, using Tizen Studio?

BY 03 Nov 2016 Native Application Development

My project is set up to use Tizen Studio, but for testing and automated builds, I’d like to be able to build from the command line.  I’m currently using the “Export to CLI Project” command in Tizen Studio to create a command-line project that I then build with “tizen build-native”, but this is not ideal, for a few reasons:

1) Any time a change is made in Tizen Studio, the developer has to remember to export the CLI build files again.

2) The command-line build files encode absolute paths, which is terrible for build scripts.  For example, I have some include paths and library paths in my Tizen Studio project that are relative to ${PROJ_PATH}, but when I export them, they become absolute paths (e.g. /Users/steve/…).  This means they won’t work on anyone else’s computer.

3) I have some shell scripts that are set up as post-build steps in Tizen Studio (for example, to copy the final executable to another location), but it turns out that the environment variables are different when building on the command line.  For example, for an ARM build, $SDK_ARCH is “arm” in Tizen Studio, but it’s not defined when doing a command-line build; instead there’s $BUILD_ARCH, but the value isn’t even the same (“armel” instead of “arm”).

Is there any way to do a build from the command line, using Tizen Studio itself, in some kind of “headless” mode?


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