chrome:does tizen web ui framwork support draggable() ?

chrome:does tizen web ui framwork support draggable() ?

BY 12 Oct 2013 Web Application Development

If I use tizen-web-ui-fw, draggable() not work on chrome but jQuery template works fine. Is there any settings to make it draggable with tizen web ui framework?

On device, it is ok.  it pops up a context pop up to select “save image, .. drag” and able to drag. Does anyone know drag enable without the context popup?

PCのChromeでドラッグを可能にしようとdraggable()を使ってみましたが、JQuery templateだと動くのですが、Tizen Ui Frameworkだと動作しないようです。なにか設定があるのでしょうか.



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