Check if the user has entered something in EditField

Check if the user has entered something in EditField

BY 16 Aug 2013 Native Application Development


How am i supposed to check if the user has entered any number in an EditField? For this purpose i have used the Tizen::Base::String GetText(void) const        function. But the problem comes when the function returns some values like 3 or 6..etc which are very usual on the part of the user to enter and as such my checks are not working fine in those cases.

Can i use any other alternative function to work in this situation?

The following is the code that i have used if it is of some help:

    int num;
    Integer::Parse(pField[i][j]->GetText(), num);
    if((pField[i][j]->IsKeypadEnabled()) && (num >= 1 && num <= 9))
            {....//do somthing.....}
    else {....//do something else...}

Thanks in advance.

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