Creating PIXI.js filters using WebGL
PIXI.js 3.0 is a great library for creating 2d canvas games and animations. It's one of the most used canvas renderers over the Web. It also supports WebGL rendering, thanks to which most of the operations are executed by GPU instead of CPU. It comes with a nice filters feature that has great possibilites and is quite easy to use and extend. In this article we will focus on describing how to create a custom filter using Fragment shaders.
- Read more about Creating PIXI.js filters using WebGL
Advanced features of Kinetic.js
In the last article about Kinetic.js we have showed how to setup the Kinetic library and how to use it in the process of building a little Mars Lander game. Lots of capabilities of this engine have been shown, but still there are many advanced topics to be explained about Kinetic.js.
Pixi.js – a 2D WebGL and canvas renderer for Tizen applications.
Advanced Web Audio API usage
Address Book Management
Sample application features
The ExtendedAddressBook sample application demonstrates how to use the Tizen platform’s Contact, Messaging and Application APIs. It also makes use of filters (AttributeFilter and CompositeFilter) provided by the Tizen Device API.