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Tizen Web SystemInfo API : LED Flashlight application With Adjustable Brightness feature


Tizen Web application provides systemInfo API giving access to various properties of the system.  From Tizen 2.4 Tizen web application brings the feature to use LED Flashlight which was previously accessible from native platform only.

Web applications can use systemInfo API to access the following system properties providing interfaces and methods that can retrieve status of hardware devices, get the value of selected properties, and subscribe to asynchronous notifications of changes for selected values:

Tizen Advanced UI Framework Guide for Mobile - Part 1


The Tizen Advanced UI Framework allows creating and managing various kinds of UI components. These components represent a visual UI element, such as a button or slider, which provides interaction and manipulation features.

In this tip & tech document, a detailed description is given as per TAU components. Example is given with the demo for each control. This Article is divided into several parts. On this 1st part, basics of TAU and environment setup is discussed.

Web Worker Implementation: Generating Time triggered event


Web worker is a JavaScript that runs in background, independently of other scripts, without affecting the performance of an HTML page. User can continue to do whatever he/she wants: clicking, selecting things, etc., while the web worker runs in background.

The HTML5 Web Worker defines an API for spawning background scripts in a web application. Web Worker allows doing things like: fire up long-running scripts to handle computationally intensive tasks without blocking the UI or other scripts to handle user interactions.

Navigation using Naviframe


Naviframes are containers which are useful for implementing interfaces with several screens having a previous/next relationship. This tip document shows how to create an application with a simple naviframe. In this sample app, the naviframe has three views to depcit connections among them.

·         The first view only contains a title with 2 buttons in header area, and some UI components in content area. The Prev button is used to terminate the application, and Next button opens the second view.

Editable Bookmark Widget on Map Application in Tizen


Geographic information systems (GIS) (also known as Geospatial information systems) are systems that enable users to capture, store, analyze and manage spatially referenced data. Uses of GIS range from indigenous people, communities, research institutions, environmental scientists, health organizations, land use planners, businesses, and government agencies at all levels. Tizen is a good platform for developing potential GIS application.

Simple Game Application in Tizen Native


In this tip document, development of a simple Tizen game application is shown. The purpose of this game is to match colors. User has to tap color buttons (positioned bottom of the screen) based on the color that is shown at top of the screen. For every match, user will get 1 point. Otherwise, user will be penalized 1 point for tapping the wrong color button. This game comes with a time limit.

How to package Tizen Hybrid App


Tizen Hybrid app is a combination of Tizen Web UI application and one or more Tizen Native Services or Widget applications.

The building and packaging process of Hybrid app is quite different. Many of us face problem to build and package the hybrid app. In this document, step by step approach for building hybrid app is shown.

How to Process potential defects from static analysis tool using public JIRA system


Static analysis can detect potential defects which can cause critical errors with just scanning or building the source code. The SVACE which is developed through years of joint development between Samsung Electronics and Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISP RAS http://www.ispras.ru) has been adapted to Tizen platform development to prevent critical errors at the Code Review phase.