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Tizen UX Conversion Tutorial: Dynamic Search - Part 2

Tizen UX Conversion Tutorial: Dynamic Search - Part 2


This article is part two of a two part series that demostrates the Dynamic Search UI pattern. In part 2, the UI is modified to follow the Tizen UX Guidelines. This article explains how to create Dynamic Search field UI to populate the autocomplete list using Tizen platform.

Tizen UX Conversion Tutorial: Basic Table - Part 2

Table Form


This article is part two of a two part series that demonstrates the Table Form UI pattern implemented Tizen UX Guidelines using Tizen Web Framework

TableForm HTML Page

TableForm is an application to display all the contents of the Product Analysis. Table is created along with all the fields present in the product analysis.

Tizen UX Conversion Tutorial: SearchForm - Part 2


This article is part two of a two part series that demostrates the Search Form UI pattern, implemented using Tizen Web Application Framework. Search Form typically used to fine refine search criteria based on user choice for multiple fields. This application is one of the search form used for finding properties. This form basically consists of search field with expandable list where user can select different options to meet his search criteria

How to use Tizen notification API

Application Notification

The Notification API allows you to show notifications to the users for requested events regardless of the currently running application/activity .  Displaying an icon too for the particular notification is possible by specifying the icon path parameter in the API. Music can also be played  while showing a particular notification by specifying the music file path present in the device. There are three notification types supported in Tizen:

Tizen UX Conversion Tutorial: Checkout Tutorial - Part 1


This article is part one of a two part series that demostrates the Checkout UI pattern, implemented in part 1 using jQuery. Then in part 2, the UI is modified to follow the Tizen UX Guidelines.

The checkout sample application is based on jQuery multi page. The application demonstrates how the checkout page can be designed for the Tizen applications.A checkout page can have different styles (like List views), based on the requirements.

How to use Tiled Map Editor with Cocos2d-html5



Tiled Map Editor is a great tool for creating game levels and tiled maps. The Tiled application is written in C++, with the help of the Qt application framework and it is free. It allows the developer to create orthogonal as well as isometric tiled maps. Maps are saved as TMX files which are just XML-based formats, so they are easy to read and they work with varying game engines.

The official Tiled web site: 

Tizen UX Conversion Tutorial: Picture Gallery Tutorial - Part 1

Tizen UX Conversion Tutorial: Picture Gallery Tutorial - Part 1


This article is part one of a two part series.This article explains how to create Picture Gallery UI using Tizen platform and how to display thumbnails to gallery screen. The article applies only for systems based on Tizen platform.


To develop Picture Gallery UI 'jquery.js' and 'web-ui-fw.js' must be included inside 'script' tag of HTML 'head'.

Grouped Row Table

Grouped Rows Form



TableForm HTML Page

Grouped Rows is an appplication to display the product sale transport. In this form, buttons in header is customised. Table is created along with all the  categories and sub-categories of the fields and the amount of units that were sold in the product sale.

Tizen UX Conversion Tutorial: Expandable List - Part 1


This article is part one of a two part series that demostrates the Expandable List UI pattern. Then in part 2, the UI is modified to follow the Tizen UX Guidelines.

This article explains how to create Expandable List UI and image scroller using Tizen platform. The expandable list shows a parent list view where the list items expand into child lists.

Tizen UX Conversion Tutorial: Editable Table - Part 1


This article is part one of a two part series that demostrates the Editable Table UI pattern. Then in part 2, the UI is modified to follow the Tizen UX Guidelines.

TableForm HTML Page

Editable Table is an appplication, where user is allowed to change the table content using selector and checkbox as shown in below screenshot. In this form, theme has been applied to table having different colors for alternative rows.