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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <name>Your Project Name Here</name>

Tizen UX Conversion Tutorial:Springboard-Based Navigation Tutorial

Springboard Menu


In this tutorial we'll learn how to design "Springboard" based nagivation using Tizen UI framework. We'll touch upon important aspects of the sample application.

The Springboard sample application is based of Tizen Web UI framework multi page application. The application demonstrates how the Springboard navigation menu can be designed for the Tizen applications. Let's get into the various sections of the application to understand the implimentation.

Working with CSS3 Transitions


Thanks to animations, websites and web applications became more interactive and vivid. The times when “website” meant “static content” have gone to past. Menu animations, slideshows, interactive charts are now an integral part of most applications. Before the introduction of the third version of CSS we had to use external libraries like jQuery or for animations. Now we have two powerful features which are transitions and animations with keyframes. We’re going to focus on the first one in this article.

Working with CSS3 Gradients

Note: This article describes CSS3 Gradients as part of the W3C CSS3 Image Values and Replaced Content API that works on Tizen. The document is Working Draft from 12 July 2011 and differs from the current version from 17 April 2012 which is Candidate Recommendation.

Now, you do not need to load bitmaps as background for gradient effect. CSS3 gives you possibility to create scalable gradient background using pure CSS3.

Canvas2D mobile web game development – implementation


Before reading this article we recommend you to get familiar with the “Canvas2D mobile web game development – basics” where we introduced Canvas 2D API along with concepts of the game loop and the adaptive game loop. We also shortly described a basic web game architecture. A class diagram for sample application - Earth Guard - was presented. That’s why we recommend you to start with the previous article.

Headerless Table Tutorial -HTML5

Headerless Table Tutorial


This tutorial talks about using headerless tables for the content listing in mobile applications. The headerless table uses fat rows and every row displays multiple variables of an object. Generally, the row identifier is displayed in larger font and other details are displayed in smaller font. 

The sample application demonstrates how the fat rows are designed.

Note: The application is based of jQuery multi page.

Cocos2d-html5 game framework in Tizen applications - Follow up

This is the continuation of the article about Cocos2d-html5. The previous part briefly described how Cocos2d-html5 works and introduced some basic elements, such as: sprites, layers and scenes. We will now focus on handling user input, playing sounds, running actions and more.

NOTE: The sample application, attached to this article, requires a device supporting the DEVICE ORIENTATION  event.