5 Tools to Debug your Tizen Apps

5 Tools to Debug your Tizen Apps

BY 24 Sep 2021 Tizen .NET Application Tizen Studio

One of the key features of Tizen Studio is its great debugging support. The built-in debugger in Tizen Studio helps in editing, compiling, and debugging your code seamlessly. This blog post will help you with a few tips for the effective debugging of your app using Tizen Studio.

The Tizen application development cycle includes various development tasks that are mandatory to ensure that the app executes flawlessly. However, while executing your app, if you discover that it is not functioning the way as expected, it is most likely that you have errors in your code, and it is time to debug.

Tizen Studio built-in debugger with various other debugging tools help you to effortlessly debug anything from the simplest code to the complex apps. The debugging tools enable you to stop the execution of a program at any point, insert breakpoints, inspect variables, evaluate an expression, and so on.

The following are the 5 tools, that will help you in effective debugging of your apps:

1. Check logs

You can use the Log viewer debugging tool to insert the logging methods to your code and check the logs of your app in an effective manner.

Log viewer

When you connect a device, a device log tab is automatically created in the Log view tool. You can create additional tabs for a device, and set different filters for each tab. Tabs for disconnected devices are shown as inactive and are reactivated when the device is reconnected.

To get total control on the debugging logs, you can use edit, remove, filter, clear and export options. For more information, see Checking Logs with Log View.


 2. Spot memory leaks

It is important to detect runtime memory leaks in Tizen applications, using the Leak Sanitizer tool you can identify whether specific parts of code can potentially cause memory leaks at runtime. You can also avoid leaks in memory after application execution. The Leak Sanitizer tool detects memory leaks at runtime by instrumenting the code during the application compilation. 

For more information, see Detect runtime memory leaks with Leak Sanitizer.

Spot Memory Leaks

3. Check crash data analysis

Use the Call Stack to see the data about any crashed API, call stack, or debug message when the app crashes while execution. The Call Stack view is a useful tool while your app is in the running state.

If your app crashes during its execution, Tizen Studio creates a *.cs file in the crash-info folder under the current project and shows the Call Stack view automatically.   

 Call Stack                                                                                                            

The Call Stack view can also be accessed from the Tizen Studio menu by selecting Window > Show View > Other > Tizen > Call Stack. For more information, see Getting Crash Data from Call Stack View.


4.Improve code coverage

The Code Coverage is a profiling tool using which you can determine the coverage details of your app. This tool finds the parts of the code covered during the execution of the unit test cases. Apps with high code coverage (measured in percentage) implies that most of the source code is covered during testing and the source code has a lower chance of containing undetected software bugs.

The Code Coverage tool supports functional, statement, and branch coverage.

Code Coverage

For more information, see Getting Code Execution Information with Code Coverage.


5.Optimise Battery Usage

Use Battery Historian tool to increase the productivity of Tizen devices by maximizing the performance with efficient use of resources. Battery Historian tool enables you to analyse and audit the behaviour and consumption of battery in the Tizen devices. It is an expert analysis tool that precisely reviews information and events related to the battery.

Battery Historian tool also allows an A/B comparison of two bug reports, highlighting the key differences in the battery-related metrics. It might be useful to debug the energy consumption of the devices. Using various comparative data that is generated, you can analyse which part of the device is consuming how much of the power and thus optimize the power utilization.

For more information, see Battery Historian.

These are just a few tips and tools that help you in effortless debugging using Tizen Studio. There are more advanced tools to help you enhance, and analyse various components of your app in the process of debugging using Tizen Studio.



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