Application goes to sleep mode even if it is executed without touch

Application goes to sleep mode even if it is executed without touch

BY 11 Apr 2015 Web Application Development

How make screen  be on  every time? How it make with right metod?

    	window.onfocus = function(){
		tizen.power.request("SCREEN", "SCREEN_NORMAL");
		window.onblur = function(){

Example under  do not work in not touch game

This is need for gear s

But when i try simply this for testing

    	window.onfocus = function(){
		tizen.power.request("SCREEN", "SCREEN_NORMAL");
		 window.onblur = function(){
		tizen.power.request("SCREEN", "SCREEN_NORMAL");

for testing

on my RQ test fon i have got same problem with screen (waves)

and fon turn off

I think i can not use and test screen on or of on emulator, right?

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