No certificate profil to permit to install application was found in the workspace (Device Manager)

No certificate profil to permit to install application was found in the workspace (Device Manager)

BY 21 Jan 2018 SDK & IDE


I have an issue when I want install  the application on my Gear S3

I use Tizen-Studio 2.1.

I generated a samsung certificate, the application is builded and signed with a samsung certificate perfectly and without error

When I wand install the application on my Gear S3, I connect the device with the device manager and all it’s OK

by the Device Manager

Then when I want intall app or when I want click on Permit to application there is this error message:



If I try to run application on the device from perspective, I have this error message :


Launching the Tizen application...
# If you want to see the detailed information,
# please set the logging level to DEBUG in Preferences and check the log file in 'D:\tizen\tizen-studio-data\ide\logs\ide-20180120_163124.log'.

[Deploying the package...]
    RDS: On
[Creating the package...]
    Created the package: D:\Utilisateurs\mmartin\workspace\Mick_Test\Debug\org.example.mick_test-1.0.0-arm.tpk
[Transferring the package...]
    Transferred the package: D:\Utilisateurs\mmartin\workspace\Mick_Test\Debug\org.example.mick_test-1.0.0-arm.tpk -> /home/owner/share/tmp/sdk_tools/tmp
[Installing the package...]
path is /home/owner/share/tmp/sdk_tools/tmp/org.example.mick_test-1.0.0-arm.tpk
start process (install)
error : -4

end process (fail)
processing result : Operation not allowed [-4] failed
spend time for pkgcmd is [1394]ms
(10.559 sec)


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