I am trying to launch a sample application to my smart tv UE49KU6400 through Tizen studio.
My TV is configured in developer mode with my PC IP.
I have added also the TV in my connection manager in Tizen studio.
I have generated also a certificate profile via the studio.
I am using Tizen Studio 2.0 and have created a TV v4.0 project and firmware on TV is 1201 version ( the latest for this model according to latest updates).
When I am trying to lauch application on smart TV I get an error ‘Closed’.
Tizen studio cannot run application on smart tv
I am trying to launch a sample application to my smart tv UE49KU6400 through Tizen studio.
My TV is configured in developer mode with my PC IP.
I have added also the TV in my connection manager in Tizen studio.
I have generated also a certificate profile via the studio.
I am using Tizen Studio 2.0 and have created a TV v4.0 project and firmware on TV is 1201 version ( the latest for this model according to latest updates).
When I am trying to lauch application on smart TV I get an error ‘Closed’.
Console logs show :
11:06:30 E/sdb: sdb rejected shell command (pkgcmd -l | grep owStEM7jOZ –word-regexp): closed
Can anyone help?
04 Nov 2024
Tizen Studio
02 Apr 2024
Tizen Studio
30 Oct 2023
Tizen Studio