Initialization of device maru-tuner-decoder failed: Device initialization failed

Initialization of device maru-tuner-decoder failed: Device initialization failed

BY 08 Jun 2017 SDK & IDE


I’ very new in tizen development. Just now i installed SDK (with intel XAHM) on my Win7x64 machine and tryed to start emulator

When emulator start it throws this error. What should i do to launch it?

-device maru-virtual-tuner,system=ATSC,country=USA,table=C:\tizen-studio-data\emulator\vms\t-0608-1\tuner_default.cfg,stillimg=C:\tizen-studio\platforms\tizen-3.0\tv-samsung\emulator-resources\images,wsi=vigs_wsi: Initialization of device maru-tuner-decoder failed: Device initialization failed


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