I have problem connect to emulator with sdb. I downloaded sdk by link.
After created emulator, I try to connect emulator, but always show “closed” message.
Commands and result in console:
./sdb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-26101 device TV-Emulator
./sdb version
Smart Development Bridge version 2.2.91
./sdb get-state
./sdb dlog
– waiting for device –
error: failed to run command: command ‘wait-for-device’ not supported
– waiting for device –
error: failed to run command: command ‘wait-for-device’ not supported
– waiting for device –
error: failed to run command: command ‘wait-for-device’ not supported
But command push works, for example push logServer.conf file on emulator.
./sdb push logServer.conf /tmp/
WARNING: Your data is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could be read by others.
pushed logServer.conf 100% 30 B 0KB/s
1 file(s) pushed. 0 file(s) skipped.
logServer.conf 0KB/s (30 bytes in 0.128s)
Maybe I need to enable something on emulator ?
Maybe somebody have good instruction, how need config sdb ?
sdb write ‘closed’
I have problem connect to emulator with sdb. I downloaded sdk by link.
After created emulator, I try to connect emulator, but always show “closed” message.
Commands and result in console:
./sdb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-26101 device TV-Emulator
./sdb version
Smart Development Bridge version 2.2.91
./sdb get-state
./sdb dlog
– waiting for device –
error: failed to run command: command ‘wait-for-device’ not supported
– waiting for device –
error: failed to run command: command ‘wait-for-device’ not supported
– waiting for device –
error: failed to run command: command ‘wait-for-device’ not supported
/sdb shell
./sdb install /home/andrey/DEVELOPER/TIZEN_PROJECTS/BasicProject/bp.wgt
But command push works, for example push logServer.conf file on emulator.
./sdb push logServer.conf /tmp/
WARNING: Your data is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could be read by others.
pushed logServer.conf 100% 30 B 0KB/s
1 file(s) pushed. 0 file(s) skipped.
logServer.conf 0KB/s (30 bytes in 0.128s)
Maybe I need to enable something on emulator ?
Maybe somebody have good instruction, how need config sdb ?
My system: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
In logs IDE
06:41:23 E/sdb: sdb rejected shell command (0 list_showcontrol “/”): closed
06:41:23 E/sdb: excute doLS failed:org.tizen.sdblib.exception.SdbCommandRejectedException: closed
06:41:23 E/sdb: sdb rejected shell command (dlogctrl get platformlog): closed
04 Nov 2024
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