However, in spite of that, my Google account was logged out when I terminate my application. IMHO, cookie is removed from device if I terminate my app.
My questions are here :
1. Is it impossible to maintain the cookie after the app termination on 2.3.1 wearable platform?
Life cycle of cookie on EWK webview
I’m developing application with Tizen web view(EWK) for 2.3.1 wearable, and have some troubles to maintain the Google login information on web view.
I guessed that login information would be maintained if the cookie is alive, so I added below codes.
Ewk_Settings* settings = ewk_view_settings_get(ad->web_view);
ewk_settings_javascript_enabled_set(settings, EINA_TRUE);
ewk_settings_scripts_can_open_windows_set(settings, EINA_TRUE);
Ewk_Context* context = ewk_view_context_get(ad->web_view);
Ewk_Cookie_Manager* cookieManager = ewk_context_cookie_manager_get(context);
ewk_cookie_manager_accept_policy_set(cookieManager, EWK_COOKIE_ACCEPT_POLICY_ALWAYS);
And I made manifest file such as below.
<manifest xmlns=”” api-version=”2.3.1″ package=”my.appid” version=”1.2.2″>
<profile name=”wearable”/>
<ui-application appid=”my.appid” exec=”my_app” hw-acceleration=”on” multiple=”false” nodisplay=”false” taskmanage=”true” type=”capp”>
<label>My App</label>
<feature name=””>true</feature>
<feature name=””>true</feature>
<feature name=””>true</feature>
However, in spite of that, my Google account was logged out when I terminate my application. IMHO, cookie is removed from device if I terminate my app.
My questions are here :
1. Is it impossible to maintain the cookie after the app termination on 2.3.1 wearable platform?
2. or should I do something more?
Thanks regards!
04 Nov 2024
Tizen Studio
02 Apr 2024
Tizen Studio
30 Oct 2023
Tizen Studio