Memory access [NSU]

Memory access [NSU]

BY 03 Jul 2016 Native Application Development

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {


0xb6fcfb40 in ?? () from C:\tizen-sdk\platforms\tizen-2.4\mobile\rootstraps\mobile-2.4-device.core/lib/
Cannot access memory at address 0x0
The target endianness is set automatically (currently little endian)
warning: .dynamic section for “C:\tizen-sdk\platforms\tizen-2.4\mobile\rootstraps\mobile-2.4-device.core/lib/” is not at the expected address (wrong library or version mismatch?)
warning: Could not load shared library symbols for 115 libraries, e.g. /usr/lib/
Use the “info sharedlibrary” command to see the complete listing.
Do you need “set solib-search-path” or “set sysroot”?
warning: Could not load shared library symbols for /usr/lib/
Do you need “set solib-search-path” or “set sysroot”?

Temporary breakpoint 1, main (argc=0, argv=0x0)


No source available for “(gdb[6].proc[29980].threadGroup[i1],gdb[6].proc[29980].OSthread[1]).thread[1].frame[0]” 


How do i fix this?

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