Hello Accessory Sample app doesn’t work in gear S2…advice me, please

Hello Accessory Sample app doesn’t work in gear S2…advice me, please

BY 30 Jan 2016 Native Application Development

hi !!

I’m trying to test  hello accessory app ( Consumer..for gear S2 )

but why should not start this app….i don’t know…


this is error text…

Launching helloaccessoryconsumer – Debug has encountered a problem

The program file specified in the launch configuration does not exist

The program file specified in the launch configuration does not exist
C:\Users\jojaeyong\Desktop\Tizen pj\Consumer2\Debug\helloaccessoryconsumer not found


I found an error that Tizen ide could not make binary file….maybe….

However, I don’t know how to solve this error. Could you help me? 


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