Webview of Tizen Native Application not able to redirect to proper URL

Webview of Tizen Native Application not able to redirect to proper URL

BY 24 May 2013 Native Application Development


We are trying to authenticate wordpress API using the following url



We need to enter the wordpress login credentials and hit “Sign In” after which the expected behavior is redirection to “ https://public-api.wordpress.com/oauth2/authorize/?client_id=3393&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blogpressredirect.com&response_type=code&jetpack-code&jetpack-user-id=0&action=oauth2-login” , but with Tizen webview it directly goes to “https://m.wordpress.com/ “ which is not expected.


You can refer to http://developer.wordpress.com/docs/oauth2/ for authentication procedure.


Credentials for wordpress account

Username –amolsarmalkar1234   

Password – butter303

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