I have several forms in my app, and all of them handle orientation changes automatically (SetOrientation(ORIENTATION_AUTOMATIC_FOUR_DIRECTION)). Also, my app creates and shows a custom descendant of Tizen::Ui::Window instance on top of current form and indicator. That window has no layout. The window shows correctly in every orientation, but when device is rotated, window doesn’t change an orientation: it rotates with device dispite of another forms, which handle orientation correctly.
So, I have several questions:
Can Window’s descendants handle orientation changes automatically, same as all of built-in Window’s descendants (Form, Popup, etc)?
If I need to handle orientation chages by myself, how to rotate window’s coordinate system?
The Window has no method to add an IOrientationChangeEventListener. But frame’s listener have not being fired on orientation changes (I thought, this is because of deprecated functionality). What is correct way to listen orientation changes by Window’s descendants?
Handling Window’s orientation change
I have several forms in my app, and all of them handle orientation changes automatically (SetOrientation(ORIENTATION_AUTOMATIC_FOUR_DIRECTION)). Also, my app creates and shows a custom descendant of Tizen::Ui::Window instance on top of current form and indicator. That window has no layout. The window shows correctly in every orientation, but when device is rotated, window doesn’t change an orientation: it rotates with device dispite of another forms, which handle orientation correctly.
So, I have several questions:
Thank you for help! 🙂
04 Nov 2024
Tizen Studio
02 Apr 2024
Tizen Studio
30 Oct 2023
Tizen Studio