download image, save its fullPath in indexeddb and display it later

download image, save its fullPath in indexeddb and display it later

BY 15 Nov 2013 Web Application Development

In the future you will be able to store images directly in the db. Tizen currently does not support this. So I am using tizens download api:

var imageDownloadRequest = new tizen.DownloadRequest(uri, “images/speciesImages”, filename);
downloadId =, downloadListener);

oncompleted: function(id, fullPath) { /*add the path to db */ }
:: Completed with id: 1384877701, full path: images/speciesImages/bird.png

If I now use this given fullPath as the following:

<img src=”images/speciesImages/bird.png” />

the image does not display. I can verify that the image is there at it occurs if I browse the emulator via the “My Files” icon. I also tried ‘/images/…’ without success



use an intermediate call to tizen.filesystem.resolve to get a fileEntry and the use the toURI method in this entry

tizen.filesystem.resolve(fullPath, function(fileEntry){
                        var usableURI = fileEntry.toURI() );
                        /* store this uri in db */


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