Importing custom themeroller CSS themes into Tizen JQuery Web Apps?

Importing custom themeroller CSS themes into Tizen JQuery Web Apps?

BY 08 Oct 2012 Web Application Development

Hello –

I went here ;

And ran this :

I exported the modified results to get a new abcde set of swatches/themes.

When I swapped the “themeroller.css” into a Tizen web project, it didn’t work.  I found that Tizen 2.0 web projects create a css file that is called  I compared this to the themeroller.css and found a large section at the end of the css that is prefaced with this comment :

    /* some unsets – more probably needed */

When I copied this section to the end of the themeroller.css file, it started to work.

Question: Does this make sense in terms of how the Tizen CSS is structured?

Thank You,


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