we tried to create bond to a ble device, like below 1. bt_initialize() 2. bt_adapter_le_start_scan(__bt_adapter_le_scan_result_cb, NULL); 3. __bt_adapter_le_scan_result_cb scan my ble device 4. bt_device_set_bond_created_cb(device_bond_created_cb, bt_server_address); 5. bt_device_create_bond(bt_server_address) (address = 54:A9:C8:E2:AC:C3)
All API calls were successful, but device_bond_created_cb was not called.
also we tried to connect to the ble device, 1. bt_initialize() 2. bt_adapter_le_start_scan(__bt_adapter_le_scan_result_cb, NULL); 3. __bt_adapter_le_scan_result_cb scan my ble device 4. bt_gatt_set_connection_state_changed_cb(__bt_gatt_connection_state_changed_cb, NULL); 5. bt_gatt_connect(address, true); (address = 54:A9:C8:E2:AC:C3)
All API calls were successful, but __bt_gatt_connection_state_changed_cb was not called.
we look into the document and find no error from above flow, can help to check if anything missing or something wrong.
ble bond and connect issue
we tried to create bond to a ble device, like below
1. bt_initialize()
2. bt_adapter_le_start_scan(__bt_adapter_le_scan_result_cb, NULL);
3. __bt_adapter_le_scan_result_cb scan my ble device
4. bt_device_set_bond_created_cb(device_bond_created_cb, bt_server_address);
5. bt_device_create_bond(bt_server_address) (address = 54:A9:C8:E2:AC:C3)
All API calls were successful, but device_bond_created_cb was not called.
also we tried to connect to the ble device,
1. bt_initialize()
2. bt_adapter_le_start_scan(__bt_adapter_le_scan_result_cb, NULL);
3. __bt_adapter_le_scan_result_cb scan my ble device
4. bt_gatt_set_connection_state_changed_cb(__bt_gatt_connection_state_changed_cb, NULL);
5. bt_gatt_connect(address, true); (address = 54:A9:C8:E2:AC:C3)
All API calls were successful, but __bt_gatt_connection_state_changed_cb was not called.
we look into the document and find no error from above flow, can help to check if anything missing or something wrong.
04 Nov 2024
Tizen Studio
02 Apr 2024
Tizen Studio
30 Oct 2023
Tizen Studio