Splash screen

Splash screen

BY 15 Mar 2022 Web Application Development


We are deveoping hosted web application in tizen
For splash screen we have used this code as mentioned in documentation

<tizen:launch_screen ready_when=”custom”>
   <tizen:ls_default background_image=”bg.png” background_color=”#ff0000″ image=”icon.png” image_border=”0px stretch”/>
   <tizen:ls_landscape background_image=”bg.png” background_color=”#00ff00″ image=”icon.png” image_border=”0px stretch”/>
   <tizen:ls_portrait background_image=”bg.png” background_color=”#0000ff” image=”icon.png” image_border=”0px stretch”/>

But this code is not working for showing splashscreen in Tizen OS TV.

Can you please help us regarding the same.


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