Digitally signed Tizen Studio 3.7 downloads for Ubuntu?

Digitally signed Tizen Studio 3.7 downloads for Ubuntu?

BY 24 Sep 2020 SDK & IDE


Are there signed check sums (SHA-1? SHA-256?)
published somewhere for Tizen Studio 3.7 download files?

For example:

I have downloaded web-cli_Tizen_Studio_3.7_ubuntu-64.bin

Now, before executing it at my PC,
I want to be safe and, thus,
I have to make sure my downloaded copy is identical
to the original authorized released version of the file.

What are the ways for me to accomplish that?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,

Below is the check sum of my copy:

SHA256(web-cli_Tizen_Studio_3.7_ubuntu-64.bin)= 01f9c7b0bcccbd1391755223cbb0773ccb35000d07479b1ba31c8e950d732083
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