Tizen push notification not working on tizen OS version 4

Tizen push notification not working on tizen OS version 4

BY 11 May 2020 Tizen .NET

Hello, I’m testing at the moment a sample wearable project for push notification (project can be found here https://github.com/Samsung/Tizen-CSharp-Samples/tree/master/Wearable/PushReceiver) I’ve done everything said in the instructions of the README but when I do the curl command , if i rund the application on a emulator with the tizen version 4.0 i do not recieve notifications when the app is running on the background, but if i run it on an emulator with a tizen version 5.0 version, everything works fine… another mention, there is a a part of code where i get the registrationId as a string ( string id = PushClient.GetRegistrationId();) the return value is “true”, a boolean, but if i put another line of code like this ( string id2 = PushClient.GetRegistrationId();) i do recieve that registration id.

Lets say that i solved somehow the thing with the registration id… but i still do have problems with the notification only on the tizen version 4.0

Do you have any idea on what might be the problem and how could i solve it? In the privileges i have push, internet, notification, and on features i have notification and wifi.


Hope you have a great day!


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