Hi all,
My requirement is to create an application which transfer text from iOS device to Tizen Wearable. As per tizen documents I have used BLE for communication.
On our end architecture would be Tizen as central and iOS as peripheral where initial connection will be from tizen to iOS app.
For Tizen :
var remoteDevice = null;
var adapter = tizen.bluetooth.getLEAdapter();
function onDeviceFound(device) {
if (remoteDevice === null) {
remoteDevice = device;
console.log(‘Found device ‘ + device.name + ‘. Connecting…’);
device.connect(connectSuccess, connectFail);
function connectFail(error) {
console.log(‘Failed to connect to device: ‘ + e.message);
function connectSuccess() {
console.log(‘Connected to device’);
var serviceUUIDs = remoteDevice.uuids; var gattService = remoteDevice.getService(serviceUUIDs[0]); //error in this one
var property = gattService.characteristics[0];
func peripheralManagerDidUpdateState(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager) {
switch peripheral.state {
case .poweredOn:
os_log(“CBManager is powered on”)
case .poweredOff:
os_log(“CBManager is not powered on”)
case .resetting:
os_log(“CBManager is resetting”)
case .unauthorized:
os_log(“Unexpected authorization”)
case .unknown:
os_log(“CBManager state is unknown”)
case .unsupported:
os_log(“Bluetooth is not supported on this device”)
@unknown default:
os_log(“A previously unknown peripheral manager state occurred”)
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, central: CBCentral, didSubscribeTo characteristic: CBCharacteristic) {
os_log(“Central subscribed to characteristic”)
connectedCentral = central
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, central: CBCentral, didUnsubscribeFrom characteristic: CBCharacteristic) {
os_log(“Central unsubscribed from characteristic”)
connectedCentral = nil
By implementing remoteDevice.getService(remoteDevice.uuids[0]) code I am getting error device not found exception.
If someone have faced similar kind of challenge and found required solution then please provide your valuable inputs as it is kind of blocker on our end.
Tizen Watch and iOS Connectivity Problems
Hi all,
My requirement is to create an application which transfer text from iOS device to Tizen Wearable. As per tizen documents I have used BLE for communication.
On our end architecture would be Tizen as central and iOS as peripheral where initial connection will be from tizen to iOS app.
For Tizen :
var remoteDevice = null;
var adapter = tizen.bluetooth.getLEAdapter();
function onDeviceFound(device) {
if (remoteDevice === null) {
remoteDevice = device;
console.log(‘Found device ‘ + device.name + ‘. Connecting…’);
device.connect(connectSuccess, connectFail);
function connectFail(error) {
console.log(‘Failed to connect to device: ‘ + e.message);
function connectSuccess() {
console.log(‘Connected to device’);
var serviceUUIDs = remoteDevice.uuids;
var gattService = remoteDevice.getService(serviceUUIDs[0]); //error in this one
var property = gattService.characteristics[0];
For iOS BLE connection:
private func setupPeripheral() {
let transferCharacteristic = CBMutableCharacteristic(type: TransferService.characteristicUUID,
properties: [.notify, .writeWithoutResponse],
value: nil,
permissions: [.readable, .writeable])
let transferService = CBMutableService(type: TransferService.serviceUUID, primary: true)
transferService.characteristics = [transferCharacteristic]
self.transferCharacteristic = transferCharacteristic
peripheralManager.startAdvertising([CBAdvertisementDataServiceUUIDsKey: [TransferService.serviceUUID]])
func peripheralManagerDidUpdateState(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager) {
switch peripheral.state {
case .poweredOn:
os_log(“CBManager is powered on”)
case .poweredOff:
os_log(“CBManager is not powered on”)
case .resetting:
os_log(“CBManager is resetting”)
case .unauthorized:
os_log(“Unexpected authorization”)
case .unknown:
os_log(“CBManager state is unknown”)
case .unsupported:
os_log(“Bluetooth is not supported on this device”)
@unknown default:
os_log(“A previously unknown peripheral manager state occurred”)
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, central: CBCentral, didSubscribeTo characteristic: CBCharacteristic) {
os_log(“Central subscribed to characteristic”)
connectedCentral = central
func peripheralManager(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager, central: CBCentral, didUnsubscribeFrom characteristic: CBCharacteristic) {
os_log(“Central unsubscribed from characteristic”)
connectedCentral = nil
By implementing remoteDevice.getService(remoteDevice.uuids[0]) code I am getting error device not found exception.
Same issue has been posted in this link also:
If someone have faced similar kind of challenge and found required solution then please provide your valuable inputs as it is kind of blocker on our end.
Thanks In advance.
04 Nov 2024
Tizen Studio
02 Apr 2024
Tizen Studio
30 Oct 2023
Tizen Studio