Central – Peripharal / Client – Server Architecture, BLE communication Tizen Wearable with iOS not working
Central – Peripharal / Client – Server Architecture, BLE communication Tizen Wearable with iOS not working
BY 10 Oct 2019Web Application Development
Hi all,
My requirement is to create a Application which can transfer data / text from Tizen Wearable to iOS App. To accomplish this requirement i created a BLE communication architecture i.e. central – peripharal. So issue here is:
1. iOS Central – Tizen Peripharal : In this Tizen Peripharal register a service to adapter and Advertise the same service to be scanned. I received the advertised service on central but registered service is not received on central side when i scan for services. Here is some code :
var adapter2 = tizen.bluetooth.getDefaultAdapter();
var CHAT_SERVICE_UUID = “5BCE9431-6C75-32AB-AFE0-2EC108A30860”;
function chatServiceSuccessCb(recordHandler)
console.log(“Chat service registration succeeds!”);
2. iOS Peripharal – Tizen Central : This time i created peripharal on iOS side, created the same service, advertised the service. I received the advertised data on Tizen side. I connect to remote device, Connection success listener called. Now when i try to connect to service i receive exception i.e. device not connected exception.
In code remoteDevice.getService(remoteDevice.uuids[0]) create exception while remoteDevice.addConnectStateChangeListener(onConnectionStateChange); these listeners never get called.
Here is some code:
function connectFail(error) {
console.log(‘Failed to connect to device: ‘ + error.message);
function connectSuccess() {
console.log(‘Connected to device’);
var serviceUUIDs = remoteDevice.uuids;
console.log(‘total number of services found here are: ‘ + serviceUUIDs.length);
service = remoteDevice.getService(remoteDevice.uuids[0]);
I have tested my iOS application with another iOS application as well as android application which works fine. But with tizen i face these issues. I am not sure is there any issue in Tizen SDK or Tizen BLE works in different way than the iOS and android.
Note: All above mentioned code are from the Tizen Samples and API specifications. few links are
Central – Peripharal / Client – Server Architecture, BLE communication Tizen Wearable with iOS not working
Hi all,
My requirement is to create a Application which can transfer data / text from Tizen Wearable to iOS App. To accomplish this requirement i created a BLE communication architecture i.e. central – peripharal. So issue here is:
1. iOS Central – Tizen Peripharal : In this Tizen Peripharal register a service to adapter and Advertise the same service to be scanned. I received the advertised service on central but registered service is not received on central side when i scan for services. Here is some code :
var adapter2 = tizen.bluetooth.getDefaultAdapter();
var CHAT_SERVICE_UUID = “5BCE9431-6C75-32AB-AFE0-2EC108A30860”;
function chatServiceSuccessCb(recordHandler)
console.log(“Chat service registration succeeds!”);
chatServiceHandler = recordHandler;
function publishChatService()
adapter2.registerRFCOMMServiceByUUID(CHAT_SERVICE_UUID, “Chat service”, chatServiceSuccessCb,
console.log(“Could not register service record, Error: “ + e.message);
var adapter = tizen.bluetooth.getLEAdapter();
var advertiseData = new tizen.BluetoothLEAdvertiseData({
includeName: true,
var connectable = true;
adapter.startAdvertise(advertiseData, ‘ADVERTISE’, function onstate(state) {
console.log(‘Advertising configured: ‘ + state);
}, function(error) {
console.log(‘startAdvertise() failed: ‘ + error.message);
}, ‘LOW_LATENCY’, connectable);
2. iOS Peripharal – Tizen Central : This time i created peripharal on iOS side, created the same service, advertised the service. I received the advertised data on Tizen side. I connect to remote device, Connection success listener called. Now when i try to connect to service i receive exception i.e. device not connected exception.
In code remoteDevice.getService(remoteDevice.uuids[0]) create exception while remoteDevice.addConnectStateChangeListener(onConnectionStateChange); these listeners never get called.
Here is some code:
function connectFail(error) {
console.log(‘Failed to connect to device: ‘ + error.message);
function connectSuccess() {
console.log(‘Connected to device’);
var serviceUUIDs = remoteDevice.uuids;
console.log(‘total number of services found here are: ‘ + serviceUUIDs.length);
service = remoteDevice.getService(remoteDevice.uuids[0]);
console.log(‘flag next step 1’);
function onerror(e)
console.log(“Error occurred: “ + e.message);
function onDeviceFound(device)
console.log(“Found new device: “ + device.name);
var onConnectionStateChange =
onconnected: function(device)
heartrateVal.innerHTML = ‘connected’;
console.log(“Device “ + device.name + ” connected”);
ondisconnected: function(device)
console.log(“Device “ + device.name + ” disconnected”);
if (device.name === “aBcD”)
remoteDevice = device
console.log(“Found required device: “ + device.name);
listenerID = remoteDevice.addConnectStateChangeListener(onConnectionStateChange);
remoteDevice.connect(connectSuccess, connectFail);
var adapter = tizen.bluetooth.getLEAdapter();
var listenerID = null;
adapter.startScan(onDeviceFound, onerror);
I have tested my iOS application with another iOS application as well as android application which works fine. But with tizen i face these issues. I am not sure is there any issue in Tizen SDK or Tizen BLE works in different way than the iOS and android.
Note: All above mentioned code are from the Tizen Samples and API specifications. few links are
Thanks in advance.
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