Fused Location Manager and Battery Usage

Fused Location Manager and Battery Usage

BY 07 May 2019 Native Application Development


I am currently building an application for Gear S3 which needs to monitor a user’s location in intervals. We want the battery to last about a day (20-22h) and are currently experimenting with the different approaches. I have found out that if we want the location (LOCATIONS_METHOD_HYBRID) in intervals of e.g. 60 seconds, then starting and stopping the location manager continuously greatly reduces the battery life, while if we keep the manager enabled, the battery still lasts for a few hours. What is a typical approach we could do? I read that initializing the location manager is an expensive tasks, does that mean that even if I start/stop the service in intervals of 5 min, the battery will take a serious hit as well ?

Furthermore, we want to experiment with the fused method, but although the watch does support “LOCATIONS_METHOD_FUSED” as I checked with location_manager_is_supported_method, when I try to create the location manager with this method, it fails every time. Is there a documented bug ?  

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