Tizen SDK for Wearable 1.0.0b2 Release Notes
API Changes
A. Web framework
- Added authenticatePeerAgent API in SAAgent interface to provide authentication information of remote peer agent.
- Web Runtime
- The following constraint is added for web application packages (widgets).
- Application ID: Once published, an application ID cannot be changed.
- The following constraint is added for web application packages (widgets).
- Web Device API
- Time API now has setDateTimeChangeListener/unsetDateTimeChangeListener to set/unset a listener for a time setting change.
- MotionType “HRM” and “SLEEP_MONITOR” are removed from the Motion API.
- The Bluethooth API , which was incorrectly listed in the supported API lists in the 1.0.0b1 release note, is now removed in the list.
- Web UI Framework
- IndexScrollbar() can receive options object.
- Swipelist widget is added.
- System font change is reflected. The default font-family is set to “Tizen”, which indicates the default system font. If the default font is changed by the setting menu, the application’s font is also changed.
B. Fixed Bugs
- Webkit
- Audio recording support with Camera API.
- “audio:true” of MediaStreamOptions is now supported in getUserMedia() API
- Audio recording is supported with Camera API by passing audio-only MediaStream object to createCameraControl() API
- Supported audio recording format : AMR and 3GP
- Multimedia defect fix
- preview pause not working issue fixed
- camera resource management issue fixed
- video & audio seeking issue fixed
- Audio recording support with Camera API.
IDE and Tools
A. New Features
- Certificate
- Provide using Android keystore at generating certificate request
- Support SAP stack for emulator which is able to communicate with android host device.
B. Fixed Bugs
- Emulator
- Fixed that screen shot image may not be copied to clipboard on Ubuntu™ 64-bit.
C. Known Issues
- Web-IDE
- When user query the properties of file, the properties of folder including the file is shown instead in the Connection Explorer.